Tomonori Takanawa
Software Engineer

Favicon 2025

Here are the old and new favicon images. Old favicon.ico New favicon.ico Table of Contents Generated an image for the favicon using ChatGPT Cropped, resized, and created an ICO file with six image sizes using ImageMagick Checked the binary data of the ICO file Generated an i... Read more "Favicon 2025"

Change system clock using with chronyd

Firstly, check the status if the chronyd is started. Note: depending on the environment, you can use “service” instead of “systemctl” systemctl chronyd status Stop the chronyd that is the daemon to sync the system clock. systemctl chronyd stop Set the time on the system clock to specified time. date -s "04/26 16:24 2022" date --set="04/26 ... Read more "Change system clock using with chronyd"

What I thought through taking an English crash course

What I thought through taking an English crash course

I’m taking the SMART Method and the last class is coming in a few weeks. The SMART Method is an English crash course for four months specialized in speaking and listening skills. First of all, it was great experience to take it and I believe the English skills that I learned through the lessons can be helpful for my life to last, of course that ... Read more "What I thought through taking an English crash course"

My short career and in the near future

My short career and in the near future

When I look back on the past, if I don’t remember what I did in the year even if just a little, it seems like I didn’t try very hard at anything, which is very sad, so I’m going to write down quickly what I’v done so far on a yearly basis. I’m writing down here with my short career and what I’d’ like to do in the near future. Career history 2... Read more "My short career and in the near future"

Do not use double quotations on your PROMPT

Do not use double quotations on your PROMPT

tldr is this tweet below. like this.— Tomonori Takanawa (@_takanawa_) February 11, 2021 First of all, I knew the difference of single quotations and double quotations on shell scripting language (especially bash and zsh), the former wouldn’t expand the variables yet the latter would, bu... Read more "Do not use double quotations on your PROMPT"